Live from the new glassed-in conference room on the 3rd floor of the Family History Library! The Library built this glass room so that when we talk with attendees, we don’t make all the other researchers in the Library nervous. It is wonderful.
While searching the deeds for Frederick County Virginia during the French and Indian War, we discovered “Early Troop Record, 1755-1761” in Volume 18, Deeds, 1775-1780–
You would not think to look in the volume twenty years later for this incredible record! Check microfilm reel #0031376, item 2 Family History Library collection. Or equivalent microfilm roll in the Library you frequent. Your favorite Virginia genealogist, Arlene Eakle.
PS You could attend a Research Retreat–next one scheduled, April 10-15 2011. And I will take you by the hand and lead you to your hard-to-find ancestors.
PPS Check for new content on my Home Page–Free Stuff…