7 Dec-13 Dec 2008. Salt Lake Christmas Tour, Family History Library in Salt Lake City UT. Research consultations to track your hardest-to-find ancestors, instruction classes, photo tours of the Christmas Lights on Temple Square, The Messiah, Ice Cream and Pie Frenzy, and much, much more.
Arlene Eakle’s presentations:
- Genealogy Research Datasbases Online and Offline. You Can Search Many Significant For Fee Databases FREE at the Family History Library.
- Hidden Evidence in Census Records–Your Pedigree and Your Hard-to-Find Ancestors will never be the same!
- Tracing Ancestors Who Lived in Cities: New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Charleston, Baltimore, and others.
Linda Brinkerhoff’s presentations:
- Researching Native American Ancestry
- Sources of Births, Marriage, and Deaths You Have Probably Overlooked
These are brand new research instruction topics, based on how to find and use the collections at the Family History Library, prepared by Linda and I exclusively for Leland and Patty Meitzler’s Salt Lake Christmas Tour. You can still register to attend: http://genealogy-tours.com/2008_register.pdf
For more details about the tour: http://www.genealogy-tours.com/2008/10/christmas-tour-2008-is-quickly.html
This expert-guided tour to research at the Family History Library is the oldest and most awesome tour. Some of our attendees have been coming for more than 20 years extending and enhancing their Virginia pedigrees with new sources and databases and proven research strategies.
Why don’t you join us? You will have such exciting new finds to share with your relatives this Christmas! Your favorite Virginia genealogist, Arlene Eakle. http://www.arleneeakle.com