If you don’t have time to download your photos…

…when will you have the time to track your Virginia ancestors?  And share their exploits and achievements with your family?   Consider:

Shutterfly has just paid $10 million +dollars for an app which produces printed copies of the photos on your phone, every 100 photos. They will do it every month for a fee. Shutterfly said this app alone has resulted in millions of dollars of continuous income for the last 10 months since it was launched. Shutterfly execs invested in the app as a test. The app was demonstrated on Shark Tank last Winter.  And the developer was not a kid—just a mature man who watched the frustrations of people when they lost their photos of family and friends.

People are too busy and involved to print their photos or even download them onto a computer. The photos come in perforated form in a flexible book that will not damage in the mail. Very cool.

How busy are you?  If you are like most of us, any more tasks will likely push you over the edge.

Don’t fight it.  HIRE ME!  Let me trace your ancestors and give you stories and charts and documents and maps which you can share with your family and friends.

Tracing ancestors, especially hard-to-find ancestors, is my day job (and sometimes my night job too).  Let me use my experience and success with Virginia Ancestors to match your curiosity, without the frustration of adding any more to your work load. And I promise to treat your Virginia ancestors as if they were my own!  Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle  http://arleneeakle.com

PS  We can even put your family tree on a special pass-word protected website, so you can share all the fun, all the lives, all the glory with your family easily and economically.

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