Migration around Virginia and Across its Boundaries:

“Bacon’s Rebellion in Virginia and its Sufferers, 1676-1677,” North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal 9 (Feb 1983):  2-13.  Lists those fined—many who ended up in NC–and those imprisoned or executed.  A rather in-depth history of the rebellion is also included.

“Some Migrations from Virginia into North Carolina,” North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal 2 (July 1976) through 4 (1978).  Virginia Pope Livingston.  Based on deeds, wills, court orders of Southside Virginia: Surry, Sussex, Brunswick, Isle of Wight, and Southampton counties, Virginia.  Entering North Carolina was a challenge–either across the line out of Virginia or moving up from the counties of south Carolina.  The Scots, directly from Scotland, took the clear shot into North Carolina up the Cape Fear River and its tributaries.

“The One Hundred,” William and Mary Quarterly, Ser 3 (1954). Jackson T. Main.  One hundred wealthiest land owners in Virginia before the Civil War, where they lived, how much they owned, and where their land holdings were located.  Majority held land in multiple counties.  And seated their children on these land holdings.

The Evolution of the Southern BackCountry:  A Case Study of Lunenburg County Virginia, 1746-1832.  Richard R. Beaman.  (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1984.)  Includes maps of migration patterns for tobacco farmers around Virginia.  A careful study of these maps reveals little-known origins for even the Melungeons.

The Four Goff Brothers of Western Virginia:  A New Perspective on their Lives. Phillip G. Goff and Roy L. Lockhart. 2003.  Available from Roy L. Lockhart, 4215 18th Ave, Parkersburg WV 26101-6908.  Includes references to little-known sources that enabled the authors to trace the Goffs from Virginia back into Maryland.

“Names of Some of the Old and Leading Families in Eastern Virginia in Colonial Times and Immediately Succeeding the Revolution,” Francis Cabell.  Reprinted, Arlene Eakle’s Research Notebooks:  Virginia IV, pp. 1-2.

“Some of the Leading Early Virginia Families, Listed by Region:”  Jamestown and the James-York Peninsula, South Shore of the James, Eastern Shore of Virginia, Gloucester-Middlesex-Mathews Peninsula, Northern Neck of Virginia, Alexandria and Northern Virginia, Central Virginia, South Central Counties, Southern “Tobacco Belt” Counties, Valley of Virginia, Southwestern Virginia.  Parker Rouse, Jr. Planters and Pioneers:  Life in Colonial Virginia.  (New York: Hastings House, 1968.)  See also his Virginia: The English Heritage in America. Hastings House, 1976.

Bound Away:  Virginia and the Westward Movement.  David Hackett Fischer. (Charlottesville:  University Press of Virginia, 2000.)  Migration into, within, and out of Virginia. See also Fischer’s in-depth study of early settlers of Virginia in Albion’s Seed:  four British Folkways in America. New York:  Oxford University Press, 1989.

These titles are quite easy to find–some online through FamilySearch.org or Google.com–some through your local library system or interlibrary loan. If you request your loan at a university or college library, you will be more apt to get it.  The Interlibrary Loan code discourages genealogy loans.  Public libraries usually have closed genealogy collections.  Your favorite Virginia genealogist, Arlene Eakle  http://arleneeakle.com

PS  I am thinking about launching a blog devoted to study of British Isles genealogy–especially the time period before 1650.  What are your thoughts, gentle reader?

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